Clear Objective and the ASP Model

Overview, Features and Benefits


The Application Service Provider Model (asp) is a distributed computing environment where the application software is typically installed in a central location and made available to the user over a wide-area network such as ISDN.

Customer Features and Benefits

Feature Benefit
Software is supplied on a rental basis 1. The cost of the software does not have to be paid up-front.
  2. Application upgrades are supplied as part of the agreement without incurring an extra cost
Data is hosted off-site 1. Lower hardware investment. The customer no longer needs to purchase and maintain a server capable of storing company data.
  2. Data integrity is assured. Issues such as backups, redundant hardware and data repair are the responsibility of the service provider.
Users operating the program can use a thin client (or network computer) 1. Lower hardware investment. The customer no longer needs to purchase high-end workstations for each user on the network (modern applications require increasing amounts of hard disk, CPU speed and memory). Typical upgrade cycle of 2-3 years for workstations to keep individual users up-to-date with software requirements.
  2. Administration. Thin clients prevent operators from altering system settings in ways that are potentially disruptive to application stability and in-house helpdesk support.
  3. Staff Security. Thin clients typically do not have (or require) floppy disks or CD-ROM drives, lowering the risk of staff misuse of hardware and/or company data.
The application is hosted over the Internet, Dialup or Wide Area Network The customer can have any number or branches operating on the same set of company data in real time, without incurring any additional cost.